If a folder does not contain an index.php or index.html, visitors will be able to view the contents of this directory. To restrict access, you can make an .htaccess file and add the following line:
Options All -Indexes
IndexIgnore *
If a folder does not contain an index.php or index.html, visitors will be able to view the contents of this directory. To restrict access, you can make an .htaccess file and add the following line:
Options All -Indexes
IndexIgnore *
Email POP3...
The nameservers used by Sitebunker DNS servers for shared hosting...
FTP transfer is the most popular way to copy / move website files to the server. Alternatively,...
The PHP version for an account can be easily modified from the cPanel account. To modify the PHP...
All accounts hosted on Sitebunker.net have a cPanel account. The administration panel can be...