The FTP account allows you to access your site's files using the File Transfer Protocol.
To create an FTP account you will need to complete the following steps:
1. You must log in to your cPanel account
2. Go to "Files" -> "FTP Accounts"
3. Click on FTP Accounts, you can add the FTP account
In the "Log In" section you will need to enter your username.
The username will created as follows "username@domeniultau.tld".
For the "Password" and "Password (Again)" fields you need to set a complex password (consisting of uppercase, lowercase, numbers and special characters).
The "Directory" automatically sets a folder that will have the name of the username created, if you want to provide access to the root folder of the site (/public_html /) then you only need to leave the path /public_html/
Once the FTP account has been created, a folder with the name of the FTP account is created in "File Manager" -> "Home".
FTP clients that can be used: FileZilla, WINScp, etc.